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High dosage Laser Therapy in improving and restoring normal cell function in the inner ear. laser energy in the red and near infrared light spectrum is capable of penetrating tissue. It stimulates mitochondria in the cells to produce energy through the production of ATP (adenosine triphosphate). Mitochondria are the power supplies of all cells; they metabolize (burn) fuel and produce energy for the cell in the form of ATP. In stimulating the mitochondria, laser therapy can repair damaged tissue and return cells to a healthy state, reversing many degenerative conditions.
If Laser Therapy stimulates mitochondria to produce more energy, it could be exptrapolated that it also help repair damage to the cochlea and restore some degree of hearing loss, thereby reducing tinnitus.
Tinnitus: Have You Tried High Dosage/Power Laser Therapy .Tinnitus is a condition for which laser therapy can be effective and yet many are not aware that this option exists. Laser therapy has been shown to reduce inflammation, reduce fibrous tissue formation, improve vascular activity, accelerate tissue repair and cell growth as well as improve nerve function. Tinnitus is the perception of ringing in the ears when no ringing is really present. Tinnitus is, therefore, a symptom and not medical condition but can be part of the signs and symptoms associated with various causes. This symptom can, however, be very annoying to the patient and at times very difficult to treat for the physician depending on what the underlying cause of the tinnitus is. There have been no reported negative effects from laser therapy when used by a qualified and experienced practitioner and there are many possible benefits for a patient with a stubborn case of tinnitus.The advantage of High Power Laser Therapy over low level lasers is its ability to penetrate deeper and reach the target tissue. Many times low level laser energy is absorbed by the more superficial covering tissues and, therefore, becomes ineffective before reaching the tissue in question. High Power Laser Therapy also delivers more energy to the tissue per unit of time.
High dosage Laser Therapy in improving and restoring normal cell function in the inner ear. laser energy in the red and near infrared light spectrum is capable of penetrating tissue. It stimulates mitochondria in the cells to produce energy through the production of ATP (adenosine triphosphate). Mitochondria are the power supplies of all cells; they metabolize (burn) fuel and produce energy for the cell in the form of ATP. In stimulating the mitochondria, laser therapy can repair damaged tissue and return cells to a healthy state, reversing many degenerative conditions.
If Laser Therapy stimulates mitochondria to produce more energy, it could be exptrapolated that it also help repair damage to the cochlea and restore some degree of hearing loss, thereby reducing tinnitus.
Tinnitus: Have You Tried High Dosage/Power Laser Therapy .Tinnitus is a condition for which laser therapy can be effective and yet many are not aware that this option exists. Laser therapy has been shown to reduce inflammation, reduce fibrous tissue formation, improve vascular activity, accelerate tissue repair and cell growth as well as improve nerve function. Tinnitus is the perception of ringing in the ears when no ringing is really present. Tinnitus is, therefore, a symptom and not medical condition but can be part of the signs and symptoms associated with various causes. This symptom can, however, be very annoying to the patient and at times very difficult to treat for the physician depending on what the underlying cause of the tinnitus is. There have been no reported negative effects from laser therapy when used by a qualified and experienced practitioner and there are many possible benefits for a patient with a stubborn case of tinnitus.The advantage of High Power Laser Therapy over low level lasers is its ability to penetrate deeper and reach the target tissue. Many times low level laser energy is absorbed by the more superficial covering tissues and, therefore, becomes ineffective before reaching the tissue in question. High Power Laser Therapy also delivers more energy to the tissue per unit of time.

Tinnitus - Dr lutz Wilden
Symptoms of Tinnitus- Ringing In The Ears
Many people experience an occasional ringing in the ears or you may hear a sound such as roaring, buzzing, hissing, or whizzing noise. This constant internal sound that does not improve is referred to as tinnitus. What is tinnitus?Tinnitus is a conscious awareness of a sound in the ears or head that is not due to an external noise. Every individual has their own very personal tinnitus tone. It can be a high or low frequency sound and its volume can vary over time. A significant number of people who experience tinnitus symptoms do become severely distressed by the sounds.
Tinnitus is generally divided into two types:
- Subjective tinnitus - noises that can only be heard by the patient
- Objective tinnitus - noises that can be heard by somebody examining the patient
Tinnitus is often, but not always, linked to a hearing loss. If the tiny hair cells of the cochlea are damaged, for example through certain drugs, noise exposure or as part of the aging process, the cochlea becomes less good at discriminating sounds, and your hearing is affected. Objective tinnitusThis type of tinnitus is uncommon. Ringing noises in the ears may be caused by spasms of small muscles in the middle ear (often heard as a clicking sound) or by abnormalities of the blood vessels in and around the ear.
It is the turbulent bloodflow that is heard directly by the inner ear, and it usually occurs in time with the heart beat (pulsatile tinnitus). Pulsatile tinnitus can occur when there is an increased bloodflow to the ear, such as during an infection and inflammation, but also because of anatomical abnormalities of the blood vessels.
Function and dysfunction of the inner ear
The inner ear contains two sensory organs:
- The organ of balance in the labyrinth
- The organ of Corti (hearing) in the cochlea
This conversion process can be explained in detail with today´s biological knowledge. It takes place in the auditory cells of the cochlea and is connected with movements of hairlike receptors on the cellular membrane and other processes within the cells of the inner ear. For this to happen properly the auditory cell requires energy in the form of ATP. ATP is produces by the mitochondria (cellular power plants) inside each cell.
If the cochlea is acutely or chronically over strained, its sensory (auditory) cells and their various cellular organs are affected as well, and they inevitably lose part of their functional capacity.
The cells are suffering from a lack of ATP.
A continuous lack of ATP within the inner ear cells of the cochlea leads to either a gradual or sudden impairment of the entire hearing organ.
This is experienced by the patient as acute or insidious symptoms:
- pressure in the ear
- hearing loss
- hyperacusis - hypersensitivity to sound
- tinnitus (insidious or acute)
In the semicircular canals of the organ of balance, any changes in the position of our head and body are also conveyed via a fluid system and the movements of hairlike receptors.
For this reason the ATP-consuming processes within the cells in question are almost identical to those in the cochlea during the act of hearing: mechanically transmitted motions are first converted into electro-physiologic impulses and then passed on to the central nervous system.
A continuous lack of ATP within the inner ear cells of the labyrinth leads to either a gradual or sudden impairment of the entire organ of balance. This is experienced by the patient as acute or insidious symptoms:
- pressure in the ear
- vertigo
- Temporo mandibular joint dysfunction
It goes without saying, of course, that - just as with any other illness - the extent of the respective impairment varies from person to person as well. But although these factors result in individually different healing processes, the High,High dosage level laser therapy is able to produce a positive biological reaction regardless of the dysfunction involved. This is due to its elementary and biologically compelling working mechanism.
On account of the basic conception of our cellular energy-converting system (collector principle), the electromagnetic energy released by the oxidation of nutrients is utilized as a source of primary energy for the production of the cellular fuel ATP.
The antennae of the mitochondria can - in addition to the absorption of the released metabolic energy - utilize both the photons of the natural solar radiation (apparent bio-stimulative effect of sunlight on human cells) and the photons of low/high level laser light (clinically proven bio-stimulative effect of low/high level laser light on human cells) as a source of primary energy.
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